That is the sound of me whining. Really I don't have a ton of excuses, just that I'm tired and it's cold and rainy out there and I'm busy with school. You know - the usual :)
On the plus side, I did just read a paper for my thesis about the evolution of shoulder morphology and the stay apparatus in horses. Interesting things all over the place. And, after forcing myself to learn the terminology, I can ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND sentences like, "Whereas the biceps brachii tendon of Mesohippus was directed medially as it passed distally on the sulcus, the biceps tendon follows a sagittal course in M. primus."
Yay me.
ABC retreat was fun, best part was obviously the leg dissections. Nothing better for learning what the tendons and ligaments in the distal limb look like than going in there and slicing it up yourself!
I haven't ridden since the schooling show on Sunday (which was AWESOME, because we are slowly figuring out how to put together a decent course at 3'3), mostly for all of the reasons I was whining about. We're going out tonight, though, so schooling ride ahoy.
Back to the homework grind. See you when I resurface!
How to Create a Trail Horse: Saddle Upgrade
1 week ago
Yeah...couldn't make sense of that sentence. Glad you could!
Funny part is, I actually understood that sentence! LOL
I miss you guys. Life has been super busy and I really need to set up a lesson with you. Good luck with your homework, I am in the same boat.
Whereas the biceps brachii tendon of Mesohippus was directed medially as it passed distally on the sulcus, the biceps tendon follows a sagittal course in M. primus." ... makes absolutely no sense to me, glad you can understand it.
Yay new smart you! So glad I don't have to know those things.
That just adds to the percentage of the time when I can't understand a word you say. But you say it so well LOL!
Haha, I'm glad you understood, summersmom :) You can verify that I'm not just making stuff up!
Let me know when you're free for a lesson. I totally understand...I haven't been riding much at all lately.
Normally I would hate learning this stuff. But it's FUN because it's on a self-directed project and it will help me understand more.
I understood the sentence only because I have had my EMT certification and had to thoroughly learn anatomy and physiology.
More details on your ABC retreat!
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